Wednesday 18 November 2015

Hi I am going to blog today but, I would like to also have some info on the Bumida triangle. I am a detective so I am trying to solve it. Please leave in comments. Thank you!

Sunday 8 November 2015


I am sorry i have not been blogging lately but I am not very well! I have got a sickness illness so I am having half days at school and sleeping when I get back from school. I am still very unwell but I will be blogging 3 or more days a week,just intill I get better. My mum and a nutrition lady from nelds yard how helps people get better from cronice ferteeg sinjrum. Said that it might take evern a hole year to fully recover.Which I have. Sorry I mite have spelt my ilness wrong. My iPad doesn't say how to spell it and my mum and my
dad don't ether. 
By for now. X I also have ingerd my foot

Monday 26 October 2015

A bond with a horse part 2

Then I thought that I should see if I could find a horse I liked. With out notice, all the horses crowded up. I run and then stopped. I heard my mum and dad call."Daisy",I looked over the horses and saw the house I had meet earlyer was starring at me. Waiting,for me. I ran to the horse, to see what was Wong.  
Then it was time to go. Suddenly, the horse started to follow me to the car. It was sweet.

Thursday 22 October 2015

A bond with a horse part 1

Dear diary,

I had a bond with a horse at the New Forest. Cool hu. It all started when me and my sister where looking for a horse. Then I found a horse, my heart was pounding with excitement. The horse was a midnight black and had shiny flickers of white on it's back. I reallised that my sister had gone! Suddenly, I heard laughter in the discerns. The laugh drew me into a quite circle filled with horses, black, chestnut all types.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Famous horse quotes

Horses are good  alone but with a whisper,even better.👂🏻👂🏻👂🏻👂🏻👂🏻

You always need to connect with a horse by looking the horse in the eye. Kiss on the forehead won't hurt.
And go on a nice ride with your friends. Thank you for🐴🐴🐴🐎


Hi! I am daisy. I am a blogger now and I hope you enjoy my blogs.My sister is the one who got me into blogging,in the first place. My sister's blog names are and I have loved writing and drawing for most of my life. It makes me feel like I can write my secrets on paper. Yes not very safe. But the thing is I trust writing,I trust that one piece of paper can hold all my secrets. 

And I love horses so my blog is about horse whispering.I hope I get nice comments. I will be posting 4 or 5 days a week and if I can't post I will say on Google+.Bye!!!xx thank you for reading.