Wednesday 18 November 2015

Hi I am going to blog today but, I would like to also have some info on the Bumida triangle. I am a detective so I am trying to solve it. Please leave in comments. Thank you!

Sunday 8 November 2015


I am sorry i have not been blogging lately but I am not very well! I have got a sickness illness so I am having half days at school and sleeping when I get back from school. I am still very unwell but I will be blogging 3 or more days a week,just intill I get better. My mum and a nutrition lady from nelds yard how helps people get better from cronice ferteeg sinjrum. Said that it might take evern a hole year to fully recover.Which I have. Sorry I mite have spelt my ilness wrong. My iPad doesn't say how to spell it and my mum and my
dad don't ether. 
By for now. X I also have ingerd my foot